Our Mission
We commit ourselves to promoting the well-being of all the pupils in our care by developing the spiritual, emotional and physical potential of each child. We strive towards developing the full potential of every pupil in communication, literacy, numeracy and relevant life skills.
Why Rathbarry N.S.?
Dedicated STAFF
Looking past the beautiful, picturesque and historical setting, we are also an integral part of the Rathbarry Community. Through our committed and dedicated teaching staff, we are able to provide innovative, child-centred learning in a caring and nurturing learning environment. We value parental involvement and are very active in competitions and local events.
We are a Health Promoting School and we are working towards achieving an Active flag and a Green Schools Water Flag. Our school participates in activities relating to Science Week, Maths Week , Engineers Week and Book Week. We work in partnership with local artists and craftworkers. The children enjoy swimming, football ,hurling ,tag rugby and orienteering as well as many other sports. The older classes are encouraged to take part in quizzes. Our school has a strong reputation for the children's musical ability. Every child from first class upwards is given the opportunity to develop their musical talents and learn a traditional instrument.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are regularly kept informed on what is happening in the school with teachers always available to meet parent(s)/guardian(s) by prior appointment. Parent/Teacher meetings are held annually during the first term and written reports are issued at the end of the year.

What we offer
We have Interactive White Boards in both classrooms. We also have a classroom set of iPads and a number of computers for the pupils to use for research, project work, typing and computer programming such as “Scratch”. The classrooms and computers are networked and equipped with fibre broadband.
We have a wide selection of books for all age groups in our own school library. Cork County Council Library van visits the school fortnightly giving the children the opportunity to access a wider range of reading material freely.
Physical Education
There is a tarmac playground at the front of the school with various games painted for the pupils to play . There is also an all weather astro-turf pitch at the rear of the school. There is a variety of equipment to play with at break times e.g. tennis rackets, skipping ropes, hoops, balls, hockey sticks etc.
We have a range of sporting/training sessions that take place throughout the year such as football, hurling, soccer, rugby, tennis and general fitness with qualified sports teachers. Swimming lessons for classes from 1st class upwards normally take place during term 2 at the Celtic Ross Leisure Centre .
Health Promoting
We are a health promoting school and proudly display our Health Promotion School plaque awarded by the H.S.E. We encourage the pupils to bring healthy lunches to school - sandwiches, fruit, vegetables etc. We discourage bringing in chocolate, sweets, crisps, biscuits and fizzy drinks. We encourage the pupils to bring a piece of fruit and veg. to school every day as part of the “Food Dudes” programme. Pupils can avail of fresh milk from Clona Dairies through the school milk scheme.
Arts & Crafts
We encourage creativity with paints, clay, fabric, recyclable materials etc. The pupil's artwork is displayed throughout the school. Each year visiting artists come to school and work with the pupils. We have participated in art projects with BLAST (Bringing Live Arts to Students and Teachers) along with CraftEd Design, Council of Ireland Programmes and the Artists in Residence Schools Scheme in recent years. We enter pupil's artwork in local competitions. We are very lucky also to have some very artistic parents who share their talents with the pupils.
The pupils experience various types of dance including social dances, Irish dance and folk dance. The children participate in a Céilí for Seachtain na Gaeilge and learn traditional Céilí dances under the guidance of Martina French.
Music teacher, Martina French, teaches tin whistle to pupils from 1st to 6th class weekly. There are also a variety of instruments available on loan to pupils who might like to try out an instrument for a while.
Children participate in drama lessons during the year. They perform a school play in the Parish Hall or a Christmas Pageant in the Church at Christmas time.
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School day information
School Uniform
The school uniform consists of a crested school jumper, white shirt or polo shirt, navy trousers / skirt / pinafore, navy or white tights / socks, black school shoes, navy track suit bottoms and navy shorts for summer wear. The crested school jumper can be purchased in Cash & Co, Clonakilty while all other items may be bought in a shop of parents choice.
Our school appreciates our active and supportive Parents’ Association. They assist with many school events and fundraise annually to provide additional educational resources and experiences for the benefit of our pupils. As a school, we value their help and enthusiasm to help us provide the best learning opportunities for the pupils of our school.
Healthy Lunches
We are a health promoting school. We participate in The Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme and encourage our pupils to bring healthy lunches to school sandwiches, fruit, vegetables etc.
School milk is available to order.
School Hours
The school day begins at 09.05 am and finishes at 1.45 pm for Junior and Senior infants and 2.45 pm for all other classes..

Special Activities
All classes enjoy science and each year we have a science exhibition where all pupils from 2nd upwards prepare and demonstrate their own experiments. We are also part of a pilot programme in the STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) with the department of education & skills. Themes for our projects so far were lighthouses and trees. Some of our work was on display in the Triskel art gallery in Cork during creative schools week in November 2019. We have also received discover science and maths awards from Science Foundation Ireland over the past number of years.
Engineers Week
During Engineers Week, the pupils learn about the work of an engineer as well as building their own structures. An engineer visits the school and speaks to the pupils about her or his work. They recently participated in a K’NEX project.
Maths week
All classes enjoy maths trails and activities throughout the year with a special emphasis on maths during maths week.
The pupils go on an educational tour at the end of the school year. There are occasional trips throughout the year. We always incorporate a visit to our nearby Long Strand and Castlefreke woods.
The An Post Savings Stamps Scheme is in operation throughout the school. The price of a stamp is €1, which is collected every Tuesday morning. This scheme, encourages your child to save from an early age. Pupils could use this scheme for example to save for their school tour.
Credit Union Quiz
We enter teams from the senior room in the local Clonakilty Credit Union quiz each year.
The pupils are prepared to receive these sacraments in the Parish Churches. The ceremonies are held in conjunction with the other Parish school.

The local St. James' G.A.A. club assist in the coaching of football and hurling. We enter teams in the local Sciath na Scol football competition which is held during the summer term.
As part of the P.E. curriculum the children from 1st class upwards receive swimming lessons in the Celtic Ross Hotel during term 2.
Pupils participate in rowing lessons with the local Galley Flash Rowing Club during May and June. Our school teams compete in an inter-schools regatta.